
my thoughts on software development.

Breaking into a Windows PC without a password

Local Windows password are hilariously easy to reset. Here's how to easily reset a Windows password without knowing the password or logging in.

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Set up TailwindCSS intellisense for JavaScript and TypeScript

Tailwind's VS Code extension doesn't detect utility classes in JavaScript or TypeScript declarations by default. But it can be configured to do so, we can add support for data types like strings, arrays, and objects using Regex. In this post, I'll show you how to configure Tailwind intellisense and autocomplete suggestions for Javascript and Typescript variables in VS Code.

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How to use the new GitHub CLI

How to use the new GitHub CLI, a command-line tool that makes it easier to work with GitHub directly from your terminal.

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Building menus and buttons in Astro

This is how I built my navigation menu, dropdown, and button components in Astro.

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Astro: The Next-Gen Front-End Framework

Astro is the web framework for building content-driven websites like blogs, marketing, and e-commerce. Astro is best-known for pioneering a new frontend architecture to reduce JavaScript overhead and complexity compared to other frameworks. If you need a website that loads fast and has great SEO, then Astro is for you.

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How I used Astro to build this website

This is my first blog post, it describes several fundamental concepts I learned and used to build this website using Astro and TailwindCSS, such as Astro layouts and components, markdown styling, and variables in Astro.

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