Written by Bassim Shahidy on

Breaking into a Windows PC without a password

Local Windows password are hilariously easy to reset. Here's how to easily reset a Windows password without knowing the password or logging in.

To reset a windows password without knowing the password or logging in, you’ll need to boot into advanced options or a Windows installation USB to access the command prompt.

How to reset a Windows password

  1. Boot into Advanced Options or Windows installation USB
    1. Boot into Windows Recovery Environment
      • Without USB: From login screen hold Shift and click Restart.
      • With USB: Boot into Windows Installation USB
    2. Select Repair your computer then select Troubleshoot
    3. Select Advanced Options the select Command Prompt
  2. Open Command Prompt
    1. run C:
    2. run cd windows\system32
  3. Run ren utilman.exe utilman1.exe, disregard any errors
  4. Run ren cmd.exe utilman.exe
  5. Exit CMD, continue to Windows
  6. At login screen, click accessibility button next to power button, this will open CMD
  7. Run net user to list users
  8. Reset password with net user [username] *
  9. Run exit to close CMD

Password can also be reset through User Accounts GUI

  1. Run control userpasswords2
  2. Click Reset Password and enter the new password, or leave blank to remove the password